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Applied Study Project for Core Subject Economics in Dual Major Bachelor´s Program

course number



SoSe 2024



Students of the dual major bachelor’s program with economics as core subject should acquire skills in the conception of an applied scientific work in the field of economics or methods.
The study project is an individually supervised research paper (without presentation).
The starting date and the topic will be discussed individually with Mr. Westermann.
If you are interested, please make an appointment via the secretary of the department "International Economic Policy (Prof. Westermann)".
It is strongly recommended to attend the course "Introduction to Econometrics" beforehand!

additional information

location: unspecified
times: Fri.. 14:00 - 16:00 (weekly)
first term: Friday, 05.04.2024 14:00 - 16:00
course type: Reading Course (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)

fields of study

  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > 2-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengänge > Kernfach Volkswirtschaftslehre


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