Fachbereich 9

School of Business Administration and Economics

Navigation und Suche der Universität Osnabrück



01. März 2023 : Field research in Colombia and the United Kingdom

From January 2023, Juan Felipe Ortiz-Riomalo and Moritz Fritschle will be active in the field for data collection purposes of their current research projects.

Juan Felipe Ortiz-Riomalo will travel to Colombia. In the field, he will collect experimental data on farmers' individual and collective decisions regarding resource use, protection, and conservation of wetland ecosystems. The data collection is for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the potential impacts of participatory processes in environmental and natural resource management.

Moritz Fritschle will be working at the James Hutton Institute (JHI) in Dundee as part of the EU Horizon 2020 FRAMEwork project. Focus groups will be conducted in Scotland and southern England and data will be collected on farmers' preferences for agri-environmental measures. The research findings will contribute to the FRAMEwork project's goal of supporting the transition to sustainable and biodiversity-sensitive agricultural systems in the EU.