Fachbereich 9

School of Business Administration and Economics

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21. Juli 2023 : Field research in Scotland successfully completed

Moritz Fritschle has returned from his research stay abroad at the James Hutton Institute as part of the EU H2020 projects “FRAMEwork“.

From January to the end of May 2023, Moritz Fritschle conducted research and collected data at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee. A focus group was conducted in the south of England, as well as interviews with Scottish farmers. The research results will to support research towards a sustainable and biodiversity-sensitive transition of agricultural systems in the EU.

In addition to the field research in the region around Dundee, Moritz Fritschle also visited the SEGS Department of the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen and the School of Geosciences of the University of Aberdeen upon invitation of Dr. Katrin Prager.