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Information Management and Information Systems

Processes. Services. Humans. IMWI.
Welcome to the website of the Department of Information Management and Information Systems (IMWI)!
In the Department of Information Management and Information Systems (IMWI), headed by Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, and the Research Department Smart Enterprise Engineering of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), a team of 25 researchers and assistants (10 of which are research fellows) is working on the analysis and development of modern information technologies for the company of the future.
The department is subdivided into the four following research groups: Business Process Management & Analysis, Product-Service Systems Engineering, IT Governance, Risk & Compliance Management as well as Mobile & Wearable Information Systems.
All projects are application-orientated and are developed in close cooperation with large international corporations as well as “hidden champions” and SMEs of the Osnabrück region. The following projects are actually under execution: SmartHybrid, Audit-Clouds, Green Meeting Know-how Box and the Graduiertenkolleg va-eva.
In March 2015, Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas was the organizer and, together with Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg, the Conference Chair of the very successful 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI 2015, which took place under the motto “Smart Enterprise Engineering” as a hybrid conference between economy and science with more than 800 guests as well as 47 sponsors and partners.