Fachbereich 9

School of Business Administration and Economics

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The economics lab at your school

Teachers have the option of integrating the economics laboratory into regular lessons throughout the school year, carrying out the project in the form of a working group or as a seminar subject. Teachers are of course free to choose the extent to which the business lab is to be included in lessons. Teachers receive support from project staff, regardless of the form of implementation, as well as extensive supporting materials with content-related essays and discussion material.

The integration of the project into the seminar subject

The economics laboratory provides material for a semester. Conducting the experiments and the debriefing and discussion can serve as a starting point for further questions for a seminar paper. In addition, pupils and teachers are supported by our project staff with suggested topics for the seminar papers.

The project in AG form

The AG form of the economics laboratory is identical in content to the seminar subject form, so that the AG also runs over a school term. The only difference between the AG form and the seminar subject form is that participation is entirely voluntary and independent of lessons.

Integrating the project into the classroom

When integrated into regular lessons, teachers can currently choose from 19 experiments on various economic and political topics and use them in lessons to suit the subject. The Economics Lab curriculum covers various topics from the Lower Saxony core curriculum for grammar schools in years 8 to 13.

Give it a try!

Send us a message to economicsworks@uni-osnabrueck.de,

  • if you would like to make initial contact with us
  • if you have any questions about the project
  • if you would like to try out the concept in the classroom

Our next training programme

We offer interested teachers a training course to integrate the economics laboratory into the classroom. In the training course, teachers first learn about the individual topics and economic experiments (games). Subsequently, possibilities for integration into the classroom are presented. If you are interested, please let us know. We will contact you as soon as another date for the training course has been fixed. Here you can find the training course in the online training programme of Osnabrück University.

You can download the course description here.

Training description Economics Works!